Our B2B Monadic Testing Gets Results

B2B Monadic Testing

Our proprietary, AI-driven search scans 1.1 billion professionals across 140 industries to find the exact person to answer any kind of question. Every search is custom, we never recycle data, and we guarantee 100% fraud-free research. Our monadic testing fields large-scale quantitative surveys, facilitates qualitative interviews and engages in long-term consultations. Find niche audiences at scale.

Got your next project in mind? Get a quote today.

Custom Recruiting and The NewtonX Graph

A unique research methodology

We don’t retrofit B2B monadic testing research into B2C methodologies. Together, we create a B2B monadic testing methodology that makes the most of rare firsthand experiences.

NewtonX Qualitative Consultations

Quantitative Surveys

End-to-end global survey capabilities from coding to fielding, with the ability to deliver hundreds of professionals in just five business days.
Client and NewtonX

Qualitative 1:1 Expert Interviews

1:1 phone consultations with verified NewtonX professionals, custom-sourced for each request and targeted based on your specifications.

NewtonX Q3 Formula

A mix of qualitative and quantitative methodologies applied to the same population. We start with 1:1 interviews that inform a survey to test initial findings at scale. Clients can then follow up with individual candidates for further discussion.
NewtonX Online Communities

Online Communities

Curated communities for senior leaders in similar roles across different functions to gain feedback, ask questions and solve critical business challenges.
NewtonX End-to-End Consulting

End-to-End Consulting

Long-term partnerships with our internal team of former McKinsey, IBM, and Bain consultants who combine their advisory services with industry-leading market research.


B2B Monadic Testing Resources

With our monadic testing research company keeping a consistent, current understanding of key industry developments, NewtonX clients are able to keep a close pulse on the relevance of their industry. Learn more through our monadic testing resources and how we ensure every NewtonX client remains a leading player in their space.

We are the leader in B2B research

Every search is tailored to meet your exact criteria

Our B2B monadic testing surveys field large-scale quantitative surveys, facilitate qualitative interviews, engage in long-term consultations and provide custom research.


Fraud free data, guaranteed


Accessible professionals




Clients refer us to someone else.

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Got your next question in mind?

NewtonX is the only B2B monadic testing market research company that connects forward-thinking companies with the exact professionals required to solve any problem.