Our research methodologies can solve your toughest business questions

With your business in mind, we custom-build a B2B research methodology that delivers maximum impact

Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research / B2B Surveys

From recruitment to survey design to coding and analysis, we field to exactly the right professionals. Need annual trackers of 4,000+ people? A hyper-targeted survey to 50 CFOs? We’ll build one specific to your needs.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research

Expert interviews bolster your strategies with niche sources of knowledge. We design, record, transcribe, and translate — so you can stay focused on the conversation.



We apply qualitative and quantitative methodologies to the same population. We start with 1:1 interviews that inform a survey to test findings at scale. Clients can then follow up with individual candidates for further discussion.



We assemble a group of professionals that you can constantly tap for any research need. Whether you need a 1:1 consultation, a quick prototype test, or a poll to validate a major decision, turn to your own dedicated pool of expertise.

Research Consulting

Research Consulting

NewtonX doesn’t just find subject matter experts, we’re made up of them too. Our Research Consulting practice can layer on to any of the above methodologies, giving you the direction interpreting and analysis you need to action off the data you generate.


NewtonX Prime

The smartest investments require fast access to the right data. NewtonX Prime is an instant-access platform that provides expert intelligence at scale, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming expert calls. This is intelligence you can bank on.

We bring verified intelligence to every project.

Brand & Communications

We help make your message foolproof. We can handle everything from campaign concept testing to brand tracking, reporting, and measurement — priming your marketing for full-funnel effectiveness.

Market Opportunity Research

Launching a new product or expanding a service offering? Discern the size of the prize — and the best path forward.

Customer Research & Segmentation

Whether its 5,000-person surveys or 5 in-depth interviews, our comprehensive approach ensures you hear from people at all points of the customer lifecycle. Understand purchase drivers, sharpen your acquisition strategy, and ensure retention for the long-term.

Product Research

Use decision-quality data to inform your product and feature development, launches, and beyond. Build a consistently successful GTM toolkit with results-driven research, achieve stakeholder buy-in, and elevate your role across the organization.

A full-fledged research partner to power your next breakthrough.


97% of client requests are fully feasible

Got your next question in mind?