Capturing customer voice for a San Francisco ad tech giant

We used our AI-driven research methods to identify the professionals with the insights our client needed to keep up with the rapidly evolving advertising industry.

Ever since companies discovered the in-browser pop-up ad, innovators in advertising have been racing to dominate new platforms and snap up tech that will ramp up conversions.

For the biggest ad tech companies, staying current with industry trends is the key to outpacing competition. Above all, the best way to spot these trends as they emerge is through the most cutting-edge market research. Only general insights can be gained from general surveys. That is, general surveys can’t provide the insights that inform industry-leading strategy. A company can easily learn that more than 50 percent of ad dollars are now going to digital platforms, but it won’t get a clear picture of how their end customers choose among those platforms. As a result, custom market research is the only way to go for that type of insight.


The Challenge: Framing ad tech research around end-use customers

NewtonX recently partnered with a massively influential San Francisco-based tech giant. They wanted us to cut through the noise and provide highly specific and relevant data on industry trends. For this project, the mission was to:

1. Identify and recruit key decision-makers in media-buying

2. Isolate and amplify the voice of our client’s customer base

3. Deliver key experiential insights from active industry professionals


This is where NewtonX’s unique, AI-powered approach came in.


NewtonX Delivery: Guaranteed accuracy and high incidence rate

The NewtonX search methodology was designed to ensure zero fraud and find more of the professionals our clients want to hear from. Our proprietary Knowledge Graph allows clients to tell us exactly what criteria they need, and our strategy allows us to quickly identify professionals that meet those exact criteria. Specifically, our client was looking for:

1. Advertising and marketing professionals

2. Professionals with current decision-making power

3. Professionals working for companies with online ad budgets of at least $1 million, up to $10 million or more per month


Verified professionals across 13 countries

“You guys found so many senior media buyers, brand and marketing leaders across the globe at lightning speed. Thank you SO much. The data quality is outstanding.”

The Solution: A 4k strong, quarterly brand tracker

Our custom recruitment process resulted in a quarterly brand tracker which brought our client:

1. 4,000 verified respondents across 13 different countries
2. 10 waves completed in two and a half years
3. A fresh sample every second wave

This strategy ensured our client received the freshest data and insights that truly represented the voice of their customer base, allowing the company to better optimize its platform to meet the adapting needs of media buyers worldwide. 


Finding 100% verified professionals to deliver the information you need.

No matter your organization’s industry, your customer base is ready to tell you what they need out of your product or service. NewtonX is here to make sure your questions are reaching the right audience, and that each response is legitimate. Contact us to learn more about our Knowledge Graph and how our research process can give your company an edge over the competition.               

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