6 tips to help make your next market research program a success

July 28, 2021

Get the most out of your B2B market research project with a battle-tested approach.

Nearly all market research projects follow a certain set of steps, from understanding the client’s business challenge, to developing the recruiting strategy and research methodology, to fielding and delivery, then analyzing the results, and finally communicating that information to the business.

All of these stages are important and require attention to detail. This is where a specialist market research company comes in. They will not only make sure that every step is completed properly but they will also be able to guide you through each stage and help you make sense of all the information you have gathered – or gathered for you.


Kickoff meetings to start the research project

Kickoff meetings are an important start to the project because they ensure everyone is aligned on the goal and the process to get to the goal. Be sure to set an agenda and include all key stakeholders and project leaders on the call. A great best practice for kickoff meetings is to agree on timing as well as individual roles and responsibilities.

Kick off meetings can also be used to set objectives for each phase of a research project, such as:

  • Phase 1 (e.g., Define Problem, Scope Out Project),
  • Phase 2 (e.g., Review Literature, Interview Experts), etc.


Single point of contact

A dedicated, single point of contact is the project owner who will streamline project workstreams, questions and communications to all relevant stakeholder and decision-makers. They are responsible for their own work streams as well as the timelines and deliverables from others.

Build a team around the dedicated point of contact who can assist with the day-to-day needs of the project to ensure success.


Stick to a research project schedule

A project timeline is an essential way to ensure you deliver your client on time and on budget. A schedule creates a clear plan for how the team will achieve the goal of the research. Create a Gantt chart or sheet that includes tasks, timelines, hours, roles and resources.


Get “buy-in”

Establish who else in your business can make the project a success and be sure to get their buy-in early. Share the project idea, progress and final results with those who can help leverage and action the results of your research.


Seize research opportunities

Keep an eye out for new initiatives or strategic plans where you can leverage your ideas or the results of your research to build the business case for change. This will help gain buy-in from business leaders across the organization.


Keep communication lines open

A regular check in call once per week is a best practice to ensure the project stays on track and stakeholders stay informed. Use these calls to address key questions, blockers and make decisions.


Final thoughts

In order to ensure a successful research project, be sure the follow these tips.

NewtonX has B2B market research down to a science, with customer service to match. Contact us to learn more about our process. We’ll get your company the insights you want from the experts no one else can find.

NewtonX is the ideal partner for B2B research because we are built for finding the audience who meets the specific needs of our clients anywhere in the world, at scale. We’re not bound by a panel. We can reach out to 1.1 billion experts, all of whom are 100% verified. This results in high quality professionals who can deliver high quality data to answer the most pressing business questions.

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