4 results for NewtonX Current

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[Report] How Brand Impacts Share Price

Interbrand, NewtonX, and Brodeur Partners reveal how brand research and investor communications can improve company valuation.

Beyond the buzz: Navigating the brave new world of generative AI

While appetite for generative AI is on an upward trajectory, the practicalities of adoption are far less clear. That's why investing in custom B2B research could give you the edge over your competitors.

Sampling smart: How open networks can help financial services firms unlock more value from their B2B research

To get useful competitive intelligence on niche markets, you need specialized research. Learn how to build better products and craft laser focused messaging with Custom Recruiting.

Beyond the buzz: Navigating the brave new world of generative AI

While appetite for generative AI is on an upward trajectory, the practicalities of adoption are far less clear. That's why investing in custom B2B research could give you the edge over your competitors.