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[Report] How Brand Impacts Share Price

Interbrand, NewtonX, and Brodeur Partners reveal how brand research and investor communications can improve company valuation.

How Price Sensitivity Influences Customer Buying Behavior

Find the perfect price point to maximize your market share and revenue using NewtonX price sensitivity research insights. Really get under the skin of your clients to fully understand their buying behavior.

How A Longitudinal Study Drives Unique Insights

Do you want to get ahead of market trends? Use longitudinal research insights to build agility into your decision making.

Performing Evaluation Research For Business Outcomes

Answer your strategic questions with reliable data from the right experts using NewtonX evaluation research.

TURF analysis use cases in market research

TURF analysis is a sophisticated method widely employed in market research, particularly in the realm of media planning.

[Video] Meet NewtonX Prime: Instant insights for smarter investments

NewtonX Prime is an all-access investment research platform that delivers expert intelligence at scale.

Use market assessment frameworks to inform strategic thinking

Understanding the competitive landscape is crucial when you’re planning to launch a new product, increase market share, or grow into a new market. Market assessment frameworks scaffold this research and your evaluation of the competition.

Concept testing methods and examples for launch success

Concept testing is the closest thing to a crystal ball when it comes to planning a new project. Concept tests tell you what clients and prospects think about something that’s still at the ‘concept’ stage.

Use primary research at scale to find your edge on the market

To make the right investment decisions, you need the right data. It’s that simple and that complicated.  Yet to consistently outperform the market, investors have been missing one key part of due diligence: primary research

How the top 6 GLG competitors deliver on market intelligence

Find out if there’s a more efficient or cost effective alternative to your current due diligence process – without spending your time on it.   Maybe you’re using GLG, AlphaSense, or Tegus, but who else is

Behind the Survey: What Drives the Cost of B2B Sample Data?

Just as a treasure map guides you to hidden riches, data serves as a map guiding businesses toward informed decisions. This is true in the world of surveys, where the accuracy of your data directly

Use value equivalence line insights to drive better business decisions

Are you working out whether or not to charge more for a new product or service? Are you trying to avoid creating a negative pricing spiral in your industry? Are you trying to increase your

Use derived importance analysis to pinpoint why your clients really love you

Derived importance is one of the many statistical analysis tools you can use in your market research. No one method generates all the answers and derived importance shouldn’t be used in isolation. But it’s a

When to commission market research for your business

When it comes to making strategic business decisions, you’ve got the experience, skill, intuition and common sense. What’s missing? The evidence to back it up.  Commissioning market research is an investment that should be made

How to leverage brand health tracking and measurement insights

When it comes to our health, we know prevention is better than cure. So we monitor everyday things ourselves, like weight and exercise, and attend recommended medical check-ups periodically.  Regularly servicing your car and dealing

Behind the Survey: What Drives Data Quality?

Surveys have continued to grow as a popular research method for companies to gather primary insights. Yet concerns over fraud and compromised data quality have cast a shadow over the reliability of these services. It’s

Exploring the value of attitudinal research

Your market research provides massive amounts of data about what your clients and prospects do. You can extrapolate excellent insights from these metrics – where your clients are, which product or service is most popular,

Why nailing the B2B customer experience is critical for your business

B2B industries are often focused on the ‘what’ of their products and services – a ‘here’s what we’re selling and why it’s good for your business’ approach.  But centering the customer experience is just as

How audience segmentation research defines the perfect customer

Who is your perfect customer? How many of them are on your current client roster? What makes them perfect to you? Ask anyone what makes an ideal client and you’ll probably get similar answers: They’re

How to craft B2B branding that builds customer trust

Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, including your B2B business connections. Consistent branding is a major part of how your company instills trust in your current clients and future prospects.  Your B2B brand strategy

The optimal process of B2B market segmentation

Successful marketing strategy is built on a deep understanding of your clients and targeting each type of buyer accordingly. This sounds so much easier than it is – especially for B2B organizations.   Thankfully, a good

Using gain creators to maximize B2B business outcomes

By being specific about how your gain creators help clients achieve their aims, you demonstrate how much you understand them. It’s all about drawing a straight line between their list of desired gains and your

The Gabor Granger method for pricing optimization

Gabor Granger pricing analysis is a sequential monadic testing method used to determine your clients’ willingness to pay and the price elasticity of your products or services. It’s such a useful pricing optimization tool that

How to leverage B2B market intelligence

Investment in B2B market intelligence should yield a high ROI – both in terms of making successful business decisions and avoiding less lucrative avenues.  You can leverage decision quality market intelligence across your organization at

Ride out market rollercoasters with custom research

Learn how custom research insures your strategic decisions against risk and keeps long term vision thriving—in any economic climate.

Hedgeweek: Building reliable research by scaling qualitative data

Solid findings from reputable sources can validate an investment thesis while vague information from weak experts risks wasting time and money while potentially leading a manager to a dead end.

Banish Bad Data with the 3-Part Good Data Playbook

Tired of throwing out bad samples in your B2B research? Use these tactics to regain confidence in your data and tell clear data stories to your stakeholders.

How a tech giant used the voice of the community to power industry progress

What started as a market research study from one organization has evolved into a community effort to solve an important industry-wide issue.

Make industry waves with the Progress-Led Insights Framework

Research for the sake of research doesn't cut it anymore. Learn the 5-step playbook for using B2B research as a tool to drive industry-wide change.

Using in-depth interviews for richer business insights

Use in-depth interviews to take the shortest route to the most valuable insights. Intensify your understanding of your clients’ decision making processes.

Sampling smart: How open networks can help financial services firms unlock more value from their B2B research

To get useful competitive intelligence on niche markets, you need specialized research. Learn how to build better products and craft laser focused messaging with Custom Recruiting.

How to use generative AI deliberately, for better B2B research results

Originally published on Greenbook on May 15, 2023.    Walk into any research forum—or an IIEX conference—and you’ll find the conversation will invariably turn to AI. Generative AI may be all the buzz, but it’s

The Quickest Way for Funds to Get Quality Data: Meet NewtonX Prime

Leading firms are using new technology to maintain their edge, and those without it risk falling behind.

How Checkout.com uses NewtonX insights to stay at the leading edge of the payments industry

No stranger to breaking the mold with its payments solution, Checkout.com decided not to settle for the status quo with its B2B market research.

Tell stories with textured data, not flat data: How $11B unicorn Checkout.com supercharges growth

As heard at GreenBook’s IIEX Europe 2023: Matt Harris, Checkout.com Senior Customer Research & Insights Manager, and Sascha Eder, NewtonX CEO reveal how to maximize your research spend.

[Webinar] The path to better decisions starts with better research

Join NewtonX Director of Client Delivery Pavle Krivokapic and Sr. Product Marketing Manager Jimmy Coonan for an interactive roundtable to hear about B2B methodologies that your fellow insights leaders are using to hit their research goals.

19 buyer persona survey questions for strategy insights

Here are some tips for creating customer personas for your brands to truly understand your target audience and share across teams.

B2B message testing survey questions that increase marketing effectiveness

Asking the right message testing survey questions will help you understand how to connect with prospects and customers.

The right brand perception survey questions boost your marketing ROI

In B2B branding, brand perceptions are what your target audience, customers, and prospects—and to some extent, your employees—think about your brand.

20 B2B Brand Awareness Survey Questions That Improve Strategic Planning

Asking the key brand awareness survey questions will help you assess where you stand on this crucial marketing metric.

Ask customer experience survey questions to measure customer relationships

Customer experience survey questions seek to uncover the details of customer interactions, customer service, and customer satisfaction with your company.

What is the true cost of bad data?

Poor quality data costs the US $3 trillion each year. There has to be a better way, and we believe we've found it. Read on.

NewtonX joins the Market Research Society

We're excited to announce that NewtonX has been accepted as a member of the Insights Association.

How NewtonX identified digital media streaming experts for an Indian media conglomerate

NewtonX helped a leading Indian media conglomerate validate its investment thesis with insights from digital media streaming experts.

How expert surveys power your edge in due diligence

Discover how top performing investors gain information edges with expert surveys at scale, multiplying data points from calls and maximizing research spend.

How a hedge fund identified contrarian responses and risks missed by expert calls

Our targeted surveys helped a leading hedge fund reach more professionals and discover contrarian insights that earlier 1:1 consultations couldn’t deliver.

How NewtonX insights helped a leading social media platform boost content creator market share

A Social Media Leader Wanted to Attract Cutting-Edge Content Creators Over Competitors  The demand for social media content creators is blowing up. The total size of the creator economy is estimated to be more than

How a Top 3 internet company acquired new clients for their digital advertising platform

Top Internet Firm Sought to Determine Ad Platform’s Market Fit Retail media networks (RMNs) are seeing wider growth in retailer adoption than ever before. In 2021, a quarter of retailers received more than $100M in

How expert network companies boost your business strategy

Working with expert network companies can help you find the exact professionals to answer your niche, industry specific questions.

B2B Market Research Methods for Better Decision Making

The best B2B market research methods depend on the business problem you are trying to solve. These four types of market research each deliver specific benefits, and each has drawbacks. Understanding these will help you

The smartest people make the dumbest mistakes: the difficult art of designing an expert survey

For experts to showcase their knowledge and provide true insight, researchers must carefully design and craft the expert survey.

B2B Innovations: Research Methodology that Transformed UX at Pinterest

Learn how Pinterest used NewtonX's custom recruiting methodology to conquer bad data and revolutionize its approach to B2B UX research.

[Webinar Replay] B2B Innovations: Research Methodology that Transformed UX at Pinterest

Watch B2B Innovations: Research Methodology that Transformed UX at Pinterest, NewtonX's newest webinar hosted by Greenbook.

How we helped a top social media company understand how digital advertisers were thinking about their platform

A Top Social Media Company chose NewtonX and our AI-driven research methodology to launch a large brand tracking study, with the goal of analyzing its advertiser brand health.

NewtonX announces its acceptance into the Insights Association

We're excited to announce that NewtonX has been accepted as a member of the Insights Association.

Help Net Security: Why cybersecurity leaders should focus on spending, people and technology (in that order)

Originally published by Help Net Security The cybersecurity industry is facing greater challenges than ever before. The number of publicly-reported data compromises continues to rise, partially due to the massive work-from-home migration and the use of

PCNewsBuzz: Why enterprises are massively subcontracting cybersecurity work

Originally published on pcnewsbuzz.com NewtonX market research revealed this week that 56% of organizations surveyed subcontract as much as 25% of their cybersecurity work. In the study, more than 100 chief information security officers, CTOs, and

TechHQ: Firms not convinced to outsource cybersecurity skills, despite shortage

Originally published by TechHQ. The cybersecurity skills shortage is an ongoing dilemma that continues to wreak havoc on vulnerable systems globally. As organizations continue to face increasing cyber threats, it’s no longer just about having

VentureBeat: Why enterprises are massively subcontracting cybersecurity work

Originally published by VentureBeat. NewtonX market research revealed this week that 56% of organizations surveyed subcontract as much as 25% of their cybersecurity work. In the study, more than 100 chief information security officers, CTOs, and other senior

Cybersecurity in 2022: What matters going forward?

NewtonX Current issued a report on the top priorities and concerns decision-makers have about cybersecurity in 2022. We surveyed CISOs, CTOs, and other senior IT decision makers to gain insight into the most pressing issues the industry faces today.

B2B market research template

Businesses conduct B2B market research to answer a wide variety of questions. However, these questions generally fall into three broad categories, or B2B market research use cases. It’s important to know which use case fits

Why is B2B market research so important?

B2B market research provides companies with the vital data that allows them to grow and succeed. Today, as many companies struggle to pick up the pieces left after Covid-19 shattered workplace and economic norms, the

The top questions to ask on your B2B market research survey

The utility of a survey is heavily dependent on the quality of the B2B market research questions it poses. The professionals who take B2B surveys don’t have the time to complete surveys full of redundant

Disaster Recovery Journal: NewtonX Current: 2022 Cybersecurity Report on Business Outlook and Key Trends

The report highlights the various trending topics in the industry including the challenges and opportunities organizations are facing alongside insights around budgeting, new vulnerabilities, and vendor evaluations.

The five main differences between B2B and B2C market research

Good market research is integral to the growth and success of any company. Understanding the different uses and methods between business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) research lets companies know what kind of research they should

NewtonX Current: Cybersecurity in 2022 Business Outlook and Key Trends

Cybersecurity decision-makers are facing two related challenges: navigating market trends while managing professional advancement and quantifying success.   As a result, cybersecurity solutions providers have an opportunity to address these challenges to achieve high retention

What is the importance of B2B market research?

Market research for B2B needs is used very differently from market research for B2C needs. B2B market research is conducted to inform decisions about transactions between businesses. In other words, the customers are other companies.

Product development market research methods

Product development market research is the best way to ensure that a company brings their product to market or communicate new features successfully. Before investing time, energy and money behind a launch, product marketers look

New B2B panels announce the death of market research giants

Leverage a B2B panel for enterprise market research surveys and qualitative expert interviews.

GreenBook chooses NewtonX for market research industry-leading GRIT report

Leading B2B research publication GreenBook partners with NewtonX in latest 2021 GRIT Report. Learn more about our partnership.

B2B Panels are passé: NewtonX and the future of B2B market research

Panels are not designed to answer industry-specific B2B questions. In truth, there’s no such thing as a B2B panel.

What is B2B market research?

B2B marketing research is the process of finding out what types of people are interested in a particular product or service. The purpose of B2B marketing research is to find out who your customers are, their needs and wants, and how to best satisfy them.

[Innovation Report] How UX Research Leaders can delight customers and beat competitors

Increase customer satisfaction and retention, build a competitive product roadmap, and make the most of customer and competitor insights to build delightful user experiences with our latest innovation report.

Clean vehicle priorities of US automakers are no joke

Clean vehicles are among the top 3 priorities for OEMs in 2021.

NewtonX FAQ Video Library

We get asked all the time: what makes NewtonX so different? How does the Knowledge Graph work? Find out in this brief FAQ video series.

Trending: Large corporations’ secret weapon

What is a research community? Communities are groups of highly targeted people who can provide data and insights over time. Communities are particularly useful as tracking tools for quantitative data (such as prices, capabilities, budget,

[Guide] The ultimate B2B research guide for product marketers

Product marketers have an incredible opportunity to leverage B2B research. Read our guide to learn how.

NewtonX introduces new research service: NewtonX Current

We’re excited to announce the launch of NewtonX Current! NewtonX Current is the new proprietary research arm of NewtonX. Our team of senior researchers design and field our Current reports to answer today’s most pressing

Fortune chooses NewtonX for its first-ever CFO study

To debut NewtonX Current, we partnered with Fortune Analytics to survey 75 leading CFOs to answer: what do they really think about the future of work?

GreenBook: NewtonX’s Sascha Eder On Using AI For Custom Recruiting

"We are the best kept secret in market research out there." Lenny Murphy and Sascha Eder talk about scalable B2B solutions and the future of self-serve market research.

Cash Deserts and the Death of ATMs

Pressure from the increasingly popular digital banking model has pushed legacy banks to cut costs and faze out physical branch networks.

How to conduct B2B research: 3 tips for quality insights

Working with the world's leading organizations and top market research firms on a daily basis gives us a unique perspective into how teams are thinking about B2B research. Instead of keeping this a secret, we're sharing the leading indicators of great results.

The Future of B2B Market Research is NewtonX Custom Recruiting

It’s time for a sea change in how market research happens.

Financial Services Competitive Intelligence with 15 Fortune 1000 CFOs

Global Payments Company uses research to strategically expand portfolio.

[Infographic] Visualizing the true cost of bad data

So many traditional market research firms continue to miss the mark with B2B audiences. Do you know how these decisions impact your bottom line?

How a Top 5 Global Technology Company stays ahead of cybersecurity threats

Top tech company taps NewtonX to capture insights from 7,500 cybersecurity decision-makers.

[Whitepaper] Reinventing B2B market research through the power of AI and LinkedIn APIs

In this paper, we unpack how we were able to disrupt traditional market research through the powerful blend of technology and emerging research approaches.

[Whitepaper] B2B market research disrupted: How AI & LinkedIn APIs finally killed fraud

Discover how we unlocked the secret to 0% fraud across our market research. Download our latest whitepaper. D

MediaPost: Search Engine Uses Machine Learning, Data To Identify Best Professionals To Recruit

NewtonX releases technology to give companies the ability to discover and engage with hard-to-find experienced professionals.

VR for Marketing: The Future, Or An Elaborate Gimmick?

According to a recent NewtonX B2B panel survey on the subject issued to 1,000 senior level executives at Fortune 5,000 companies. This sentiment is aligned with investment in the space: of the $4B invested in

The New Consumer Genomics: How the Multi-Billion Dollar Industry is Diversifying and Expanding

And it is showing no signs of slowing down. 23andMe, the market leader, was originally priced at $1,000 — a cheaper price than rival Navigenics’ $2,500 kits, but still prohibitive to the average person. It

Top tech company attracts and retains top tech talent with Q3 approach

Enabling an innovative and competitive talent strategy through precise, accurate expertise.

Delivering an annual tracker boasting participation from 20% of all Fortune 1000 CISOs

Harnessing the brilliance of Fortune 1000s CISOs to create a safer cyberworld.

How we scouted the smartest global IP Lawyers to better understand the technology landscape inside and out

Scanning over 25,000 international IP lawyers to find the 12 with masterful insight.

The Future Of EdTech – When AI Becomes the Teacher What Happens to Kids?

When AI and robots become the teacher, who has the most to gain, the most at risk? Read on to learn the future of EdTech.

Banking Without Borders: Open Banking’s New Frontier

The E.U.’s Payment Services Directive (PSD 2) was one of the most formative mandates toward open banking. It opened up the payments industry to competition from non-banks and introduced collaboration and oversight. NewtonX conducted a

NewtonX Overview One-sheet

NewtonX is the world's leading B2B research company. Discover how we spotlight the world's brightest minds across 1.1billion professionals and 140 industries.

NewtonX 2020: Year in Review

In 2020, market research professionals showcased their adaptability, ingenuity, and grit in a year that forced us to rethink how we work, collaborate, and make an impact in the knowledge space.